Make Your feet beautiful at home

Your feet take you into the world, help you stand up to your day, and hold you to the ground. They also require TLC to keep them soft, strong and free from problems. Foot care is more important for people with diabetes because they are at increased risk of infection, especially in their feet. If the cuts and wounds become infected, the treatment becomes very complicated. Follow these tips for make your feet beautiful at home:


Lighten Dark Skin With Lemon

Lemon is a natural bleaching agent that will help lighten skin lightening. That is why we use lemon in every skin lightening remedy.

How to use: Massage your black feet with lemon juice for a few minutes and wash it with cold water. You can also mix one teaspoon of honey with lemon juice and use it to massage your feet every day before shower.


Soften your Feet with Epsom salt scrub or oatmeal scrub

Dead or loose skin formed on the feet is a way to naturally exfoliate and shed dead skin cells. We all know that Epsom salt is a crystal form of magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate is a mineral compound. You can soak your feet in Epsom salt which dissolves in water. It can help exfoliate and smooth dry, cracked feet. This, in turn, can help remove dead skin. You can also use oatmeal to make an exfoliator at home to remove dead skin.

How to use: Add 1/2 cup salt to a foot bath or a bathtub filled with hot water, make Epsom salt and keep it in the bathtub for 20 minutes. Use a pumice stone or foot brush to help remove dry skin. And to make oatmeal scrub, mix oatmeal in equal parts with rose water or milk to make a paste. Scrub your feet and allow to set for 20 to 30 minutes. Use a foot brush to exfoliate your feet. Avoid the cold. Let water and your feet dry. Apply a foot cream.


Moisturize your feet with coconut oil and glycerin

There are no oil glands on the skin of the soles of your feet. So keep your feet soft with coconut oil or glycerin.

How to use: Apply moisturizer, coconut oil or glycerin every night especially on the heel and pull on a pair of cotton socks before bedtime. Be sure not to apply moisturizer between the toes.


Do Massage with oil for Healthy Feet

Regular foot massage is one of the easiest ways to keep your feet healthy and free from all types of foot problems. A few minutes of foot massage daily also offers other benefits, such as: improving blood circulation in your feet, helping you to relax after a long period of time, tiring days, promoting sound sleep, strengthening your ankles and resilient Creating, relieving pain and swelling, reducing discomfort associated with burning of feet.

How to use: Spend just 5 minutes daily in your busy schedule to massage your feet. Use warm olive or coconut oil. While massaging, use your thumb to press the soles of your feet in a circular kneading pattern. In addition, slowly move your toes back and forth one by one and take them out and reduce the stiffness and pain. You can also use a foot roller to massage your feet.

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Unknown said...

So beautiful ❤️

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